LogicDocs tools

Tools for creating and saving logic

We continuously develop tools for automating the logic generation. These tools can be divided roughly into following areas

  • "Big picture" document generation from comments added into documents and/or code. This requires "next node" comments to be added into documents and/or code from which the logic will be generated.
  • Java programs execution logic (method call stack). This can be done without any modifications (javaagent)
  • Javascript programs execution logic (method call stack). This can be collected using console.trace() or Error().stack methods. The collected data need to be processed for flowchart generation.
  • REST API client calls and server responses automatic recording using proxy in the middle of the client and the server. No need for code changes. Only the client need to be configured to use proxy instead of the server.
  • Implement the logic in the code using "flowchart model". This can be used for new software or new functionality implemented to current software. In general this requires quite big modification if implementing to existing code.
  • etc.

Above are couple of models we can use for generating logic flowcharts from existing system with almost no work (javaagent) and minimal work (comments to existing documents and/or code). We are programmers and innovative so I think we are able to find a way to document your system too in a LoigicDocs way as flowcharts based documents .