Architecture perspectives

A lot to think about

For me, there is no single truth in architecture. Architecture is a large number of choices. These choices are influenced by, for example, the following:

- existing solutions
- defined target state
- expertise
- information security
- willingness to commit to certain technologies
- maintenance
- complexity of the solution to be implemented
- business needs
- desired ways of using information (web, phone, report, batch jobs, integrations, data relations/models, etc.)
- etc.

In my opinion, understanding different boundary conditions is a prerequisite for finding and defining a target architecture that meets the set boundary conditions as well as possible. It is also essential to understand that one tool is not necessarily the best possible tool in all situations. You have to choose the right tool for the task and avoid reinventing the wheel. This in turn requires understanding the tools, and for this purpose I often do various PoC experiments to find and verify a suitable tool and/or solution for the task.

The number of tools and/or solutions is also a challenge - there are a huge number of options.